Thanks Perry,
I will keep your thoughts in my reference material.
If as you say Jesus said that a person only needed to believe in him, he is not saying "Believe that I am going to be killed and raised from the dead". Correct me if I am wrong, but I think that the synoptists speak of obtaining salvation and eternal life in terms of obedience and good works (sheep-goats, etc.). Do the Gospel writers relate salvation to Jesus' resurrection?
I read the Josh McDowell material on the resurrection, which I will also store. This does not mean I agree with his views - which he is fully entitled to - but to show me the views of a potential reader.
It just so happens that in my research I am about to plough through the book, "The Trouble With Resurrection". I am fully aware that it is published by Polebrook Press.
Regarding the Gospels and resurrection, I note the timing of when each gospel was produced by a community and the marked differences between them in their narration of the resurrection event. Paul was the earliest chronologically. Neither he nor any of the Gospel writers had either seen or heard Jesus, and they wrote decades after the "Jesus-event", relying on oral tradition - not facts.
I have read many books, I have lived through a period as an intense Christian (giving the occasional sermon from the pulpit), and I can only judge in accordance with living for 76 years. The experience of each of us is unique and we can only judge what is practical in light of that.
There is no need for a Creator for reason and logic to exist, but if that is your view, I respect your right to hold it.
Yes, this is a daunting task. I will be briefly touching across the millennia looking objectively at what people were saying, hopefully without making judgments. There will be many distracting paths that I could follow.